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Site Published-Articles Index Navigation
The Articles Index below is a list of articles that are published on this site, The list is also presented in the sidebar of each site page. It is separately posted here for the site visitor’s convenience in navigating the site.
Recent Posts
- Female Preachers Violate Biblical Prohibitions?
- Bits and Bytes – are the Differences Confusing to You?
- LG Washing Machine Defective, Warranty Fulfillment Unlikely
- Squeaking Wheels Get the Greased Explained
- Man’s Dimensions Were Determined in Genesis
- Is the Other Woman in Your Life Affecting Your Marriage?
- Evil Spirits, Demons, Fallen Angels, Where did They Originate
- Covid-19 Virus Infection Prevention in Enclosures Desirable
- Holy Spirit First Acknowledged in Genesis
- What Freedoms Were Promised You Before You Were Born?
- What is Truth – How is Truth Determined in a Fallen World?
- When do Decisions Need to Happen?
- Who Should Develop a Budget – Why do Budgets Fail?
- Would You be Satisfied with Crumbs from the Master’s Table?
- Alabama Abortion Law Debates Examine Murder Decisions
- Abortion and Infanticide and Genocide American-Style
- Christian Virtues Promote Fruitful Life
- Solar Energy Silver Dependence Untruths Examined
- Polls, Crutches for Politician Fantasy and Wishful Thinking
- XXXXX Bad Memory Childhood Experiences Erased
- Seven Deadly Sins Proclaimed in the Holy Bible are Warnings
- Truth Facts Fiction Fantasy Myths Mixture Misleads
- Your Life My Life Their Life Journeys
- Life Memories Make History Patchwork Quilt
- Jeff Sessions Honesty Versus Political Payback
- Heaven Ascent Rapture Second Coming End Times Events
- School Safety Hypocrisy Hinders Needed Action
- School Shootings Cock Robin Reminder of Old Nursery Rhyme
- Domestic Deadly Violence Escalating Nationally
- School Shootings Outrage Hypocrisy Well Displayed
- Submersible Structures Installation calculations and Control
- Looking Down from Heaven Immediately after Death Conviction
- Marriage Behavior Bible Prescribed Not Always Followed Sadly
- World Relationships Guide First Decreed by God in Holy Bible
- Heart Battles Require Discipline and Knowledge, Not Romance
- AARP, Retired Persons Association, Effective or Not?
- Jackasses Crave Undeserved Rewards Democracy in Action USA
- Life’s Winter Approaches Unannounced and often Unanticipated
- Time Abuse Lacks Consideration and Concern for Other’s Time
- America Appears in the Rear-View Mirror, Wave Goodbye
- Alabama History Timeline Events Important to Know for All
- Messages from the Heart are not Always Romantically Inclined
- Great Expectations Toward Candidates Resolve to Reality
- Oxford University and Political Correctness Intresting
- Past Adventures and Innocence Currently Reflected
- Rule of Law is an American Imperative for world Civilization
- Family Commitment Essential to Reaching Supportive Goals
- The Organized Family Maximizes It’s Productivity Potential
- Pennies Found and Messages from God are my Dreams Fulfilled
- Decline of a Nation of Greatness Beyond any Known in History
- Merry Christmas Ruminations Publicly Encounter Persecution
- American Rights American Earned, Claims by Others Invalid
- Domestic Terrorism is the Legacy of Black Hood Gangsters
- Adversity Attitude Develops Character for the Long-Haul Run
- Information Exchange is Widespread Among Social Media Giants
- Government Nepotism Corrupts the Organization and Employees
- New Orleans Black Man
- Immorality Aided and Encouraged by USA Government Policies
- Over the Door or in Your Heart
- Bastardization of America Shameful Social Problem Increasing
- Weapons on Leave
- Prism of Time Looking Back Offers Perspective for the Future
- Slavery Claims Versus Truths Still Being Debated Without End
- United States Constitution Viewed for Education Benefits
- Honorable Confederate Battle Flag Carried by Honorable Men
- The Story of Life and a Life Lived Well for Him
- Race or Racism Reality
- A Time for Bravery Now
- Immigration Then and Now, Only Getting Worse with Illegals
- Law Enforcement Besieged with no Help from the Politicians
- Between the Lines
- Old Friends and Unshared Memories, or are They Just Fantasy
- Religious Freedom Laws
- Shredded American Constitution Due More Critical Examination
- United States of America Constitution Perversion is Creeping
- Minimum Wage Employees Garner Employer Minimum Expectations
- Building Foundations Well-Grounded Biblical Principles Based
- Heat Control at Home
- Successful Home Purchase Planning Breeds Marital Happiness
- Black Lives Matter
- A Tragic Christmas
- CIA Report Fiasco
- Gun Control Exists Now
- Ferguson, Missouri
- To God All is Owed
- Mature Adults Needed
- Financial Security
- Faith, Hope, Tomorrow
- Nurses’ Professionalism Questionable Due to Ebola Response
- Ebola Travel Ban
- Brain and Status
- Tomorrow
- The American Dream
- Moses Sight and Sound
- House Design and Taxes
- Home HVAC Systems
- On the Other Side
- Air Conditioning
- Homeowner Legal Issues
- Two Americas
- Founding Fathers Quote
- Title Insurance
- Stock Market Truth and Decision Consequences are Unforgiving
- Minimum Wage Debacle – Learn to Earn What You Are Worth
- Reverse Mortgage – Good or Bad for the Aged Needs Answering
- God’s Plan
- Finance Gurus
Additional Resources Articles Index
Additional Resources